Speedy and Passionate Storyteller
In just under two years , I’ve written over 150 interviews with many of the most accomplished and intelligent people in the world.
Give me an hour or two, and I can learn the basics of quantum computing, boil it down to a few essential points, and produce an interview
that will convey those points to a general audience.
My work in producing digital video has given me an extensive network of journalists, public relations experts, and media figures,
along with a brazen knack for creating new inroads with strategic partners; I know how to find an email address, and I’m not afraid to reach out.
I’ll adapt Givewith’s core brand message for relevance to a wide array of media partners with regularity and ease
Fueled by Research
The best conversationalists are also great listeners.
Brand storytelling resonates best when carefully crafted on a foundation of data, context, and tone.
Whenever I craft an email, an interview, or an article, I first task myself with learning all I can about my audience’s point of view and needs.
Then, when it’s time to write, I marry this understanding with some solid homework to establish credibility and inspire buy-in.
I will propel Givewith’s creative and strategic communication decisions with user engagement data and audience insights
To Make an Impact
In the last month alone, I have met with the former CEO of the largest B Corp in the world, pitched a live media partnership to the Bloomberg Global Business Forum, and produced a content series promoting progress made on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
I have planned and executed numerous live events communicating the business benefits of social enterprise with nonprofit and for-profit organizations.
Our world needs its storytellers to galvanize hope and action, not just catalog threats and catastrophe.